Brianna's blog

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Brianna and I am in the final year of my Associate of Business Administration degree. I am enrolled in this course to meet one of my degree requirements, although I have been eager to gain more knowledge and have a more in-depth look at what marketing truly is so I most likely would have taken this course as an elective if it wasn't a requirement. I am interested to see how marketing should be carried out specifically based on each individual group of consumers. Away from school, you can usually find me at a small credit union in Springfield. I am a Loan Officer/ Financial Service Representative which means I rarely have a dull moment or downtime throughout my day which I thoroughly enjoy. I have been in the banking industry since I was 17 and it has been my career of choice ever since. I am also a single mother to an amazing little boy whose name is Grayson, he is the reason I started college and has...